Slaying and Saving

Want a liquid foundation that won’t break the bank? Try the Black Radiance True Complextion BB Crème. For on average about $5.00 at your local convience store, you can get this foundation crème that provides great coverage that feels lightweight. I had the pleasure of using this foundation and below are some of the pros and cons


Coverage – This foundation really covers up all of the inconsistencies that are on your skin. Since it’s liquid, it has better coverage then a powder, but still has a lightweight feel which brings me to my second point...

Lightweight – Literally feels like you aren’t wearng anything! After the liquid dries it has a very lightweight feel that doesn’t make you feel like your wearing a ton of make-up.

Variety of colors for ethnic skin tones –If you are on a budget but need a foundation that will match your skin tone, Black Radiance has a variety of colors that will fit your skin color and type.

Cost effective—Let’s face it, we are all trying to save money, and for $5.00, this make-up choice can fit anyone’s budget!


Not good for oily skin –If you are one who has oily skin, this foundation is not a good idea. For those of us with dry skin it provides exta moisture, but if you have more moisture it can leave you looking shiny. To combat this, putting on a pressed powder on top of the liquid foundation can help.

Consistency—I found that as I got to the bottom of the bottle, the mixture tends to separate from the water which could lead you to having a finger tip full of clear liquid instead of foundation. To remedy this, just make sure you shake it before use.

Container makes waste –Because it is in a push bottle cointainer (simplier to toothpaste), once it is half way full pushing more make-up out of it can be a bit messy. To help with this, keep the bottle closed and upright. This will make sure the liquid falls to wear the nossle is so that when you are ready to use it, you would have to force It out.  


All in all, I think it’s a great product for those of us that don’t want to spend too much money on a good beat!




Chidi Wosu